


Hybrid Course Design

OIR has created the technical and pedagogical training you need in order to be successful in building your hybrid course once you choose the right hybrid design for your material. But not all professors will be ready to choose a design immediately. If that is you, please have a look at the following resources, modifed by IDA from the Blendkit materials initially designed by the University of Central Florida and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities with funding from the Next Generation Learning Challenges. These should help you think through what a hybrid course is, and how you can use the design to your advantage:

Hybrid Principles          Hybrid Approaches

Hybrid Planning            Hybrid Examples

While all possible hybrid designs are available to you, we are presenting pages in a curated fashion to help you fit your needs and preferences to the right training and resources.  Please choose from the numbered links below the hybrid option that best fits your situation, recognizing that if you teach multiple courses, you may have different plans for each course:


Select your instructional model