Teaching Position Hiring Process

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During the hiring and selection process there are many critical steps to consider to ensure you hire the most qualified, best-fit candidate for your position.  Therefore it is important to invest time in this process and make it a priority.

To help you better understand and schedule your talent search, the Chronological Hiring Process Guide for Benefit Eligible Teaching Positions at 好色先生 outlines the necessary steps to successfully hire a candidate from start to finish.

Chronological Hiring Process Guide for Benefit Eligible Teaching Positions

Select the link below to access a printable version of:

Chronological Hiring Process Guide for Benefit Eligible Teaching Positions (PDF)

The following hiring process steps are for Benefit Eligible Teaching Positions. For detailed instructions on completing a procedure, click the link within each step.

Complete PAR Form & Teaching Supplemental Information Form

Complete the Position Action Request (PAR) Form and the Teaching Supplemental Information Form.  Supplemental Information Forms are required to be submitted with all PAR  Forms.

PeopleAdmin Entry

When the PAR Form is fully approved, the department assigned point of contact will receive notification and should enter the job description into PeopleAdmin.

Complete Intake Call with HR Talent Consultant

Once the job description is approved within PeopleAdmin, a member of the HR Talent Acquisition team will contact the Hiring Manager/Search Chair to conduct an intake call prior to posting the position.  This call will allow the HR Workforce Talent Consultant to gain a deeper understanding of the position, position requirements, address advertising, candidate sourcing, and provide information on next steps for the hiring process.

  • After the intake call, the HR Talent Consultant will post the position.
  • The posting is active on the Wichita State website at  for individuals to submit applications.
  • Advertising on the Wichita State website for all positions is also automatically advertised on KS Works, Indeed.com, and Military Pipeline at no cost to the department.

    • Any additional advertising can be placed by the department after the position is posted on the Wichita State website.
Applicant Screening

As soon as the priority consideration date passes, the Search Committee should begin screening applicants using the Applicant Document Review Form 1, found in Banner Reporting Services.

  • If you do not have access to the HR Hiring Reports folder, please contact your assigned HR Talent Consultant.

NOTE: If the Search committee selects a candidate to interview who has prior 好色先生 non-student work experience, the search chair should contact their HR Talent Consultant to determine rehire eligibility before scheduling the interview.

Applicant Document Review Form 1 & CV Form 1

The Search Chair completes and signs the Applicant Document Review Form 1, then provides CV Form 1 to Academic Affairs.  The Search Chair should then send an electronic copy to HR Talent Acquisition via employment email at employment@wichita.edu.

  • HR Talent Acquisition disqualifies all candidates in PeopleAdmin who do not meet the minimum qualifications for the position as designated on the Applicant Document Review Form 1.
    • These candidates receive an email letting them know they are no longer being considered for the position.
  • HR Talent Acquisition verifies all candidates selected for an interview meet the minimum education, experience and KSA requirements.
  • HR Talent Acquisition will contact the search chair if any issue is noted.
Determine Type of Interview(s)

The Search Committee determines the type(s) of interviews they would like to proceed with.

Interview Options include:

  • Preliminary Phone Interview
    • Preliminary Phone Interviews are optional and not required.
  • Traditional In-Person Interview
    • Candidates are not required to complete a traditional In-Person Interview if utilizing the Virtual Interview option.  Offers may be extended using only Virtual Interviews unless divisional/departmental requirements prohibit this action.
  • Virtual Interview
    • Virtual Interviews are considered to be In-Person interviews at the University.  Offers may be extended using only Virtual Interviews unless divisional/departmental requirements prohibit this action.
    • Virtual interviews are often conducted much the same way as face-to-face interviews using technology like video conferencing and other online communication platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
      • Instructions for Using Zoom for Interviews can be found here.
Schedule Interviews

Once the Applicant Document Review Form 1 is complete and has been sent to HR Talent Aquisition and approval has been received from Academic Affairs, the search chair can schedule interviews.

  • The Search Chair should not schedule interviews until approval has been received by Academic Affairs.
  • Should any candidate selected decline the interview, email your assigned HR Talent Consultant with the candidate name so that this candidate can be disqualified in PeopleAdmin.
Develop Interview Questions

Interview questions and structure are developed by the search chair/search committee.

  • Sample competency-based interview questions are available here.
Optional: Phone Interviews

If Phone Interviews are conducted:

  • The Candidate Selection Form 2 must be completed for each candidate by the Search Chair and should include the feedback from the Search Committee.
  • After Phone Interviews are conducted, the Search Committee should select candidates for traditional In-Person and/or Virtual Interviews.

  • The Search Chair should then schedule the traditional In-Person and/or Virtual Interviews.
  • The Search Chair should contact their assigned HR Talent Consultant with the names of those not selected for an In-Person and/or Virtual Interview.

    • HR Talent Acquisition will then disqualify those candidates and send an email informing the candidate that they are not moving forward in the process.

Reminder: Phone Interviews are optional and not required.

In-Person/Virtual Interviews

Once In-Person/Virtual Interviews are complete:

  • The Candidate Selection Form 2 must be completed for each candidate by the Search Chair and should include the feedback from the Search Committee.
Final Candidate Selection

The Search Committee decides on a final candidate and discusses a 2nd and 3rd option in case a candidate declines the offer.

  • Once a decision is made, the Search Chair should email the Candidate Selection Form 2 for the top candidate to Academic Affairs for approval.
Reference Checks

References checks are completed for the selected candidate by the Search Chair.

  • This includes both employment and personal references.
Offer Extended

If reference checks are acceptable, the Search Chair will work with Academic Affairs to determine who will extend the offer. If preferred, your HR Talent Consultant can extend the offer on your behalf.

  • Once the candidate has verbally accepted the offer, the Search Chair should send the signed background consent form to Academic Affairs.
  • NOTE: New hires must start at the beginning of a pay period.
Background Check

Academic Affairs sends approval to proceed with background check to HR Talent Acquisition.

  • HR Talent Acquisition sends the background check link to the candidate.

  • The candidate completes the background check process online using the link sent to them. All required information for this verification process is obtained by the background check vendor.
  • Background checks typically take 24 鈥 72 hours but in some circumstances, can take up to two weeks.
  • If the Supplemental Information Form indicated that a driver鈥檚 license is required, the driver鈥檚 license check will be requested as a part of the background check process.
Offer Letter

Once the background is clear, Academic Affairs will contact the Search Chair with clearance and send instructions on completing the offer letter.

Hiring Proposal

HR Talent Acquisition will start the Hiring Proposal using the Candidate Offer Worksheet and will route it for approval using the workflow for your ORG.

Candidate Receives Onboarding Email

HR Talent Acquisition will send an Onboarding email to the selected candidate.

Final Approval

When the Hiring Proposal is fully approved, the search chair will receive an automated email from PeopleAdmin.

  • NOTE: The candidate cannot begin work in the new position until the hiring proposal is fully approved.
  • HR Talent Acquisition will disqualify all remaining candidates in PeopleAdmin when the background check of the selected candidate has cleared.
    • This disqualification occurs after the background check is clear, so that you still have a pool of candidates should the candidate decline the offer or there are issues with the background check.
New Employee Orientation (NEO)

All new benefit-eligible hires or those moving from non-benefit eligible to benefit eligible positions must attend New Employee Orientation (NEO).

  • Additional details regarding New Employee Orientation, including the schedule, can be found online at www.wichita.edu/NEO.
Files/Document Retention

The search chair should retain search files and all related documentation in the department for three years.

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Related Materials and Resources

Select the links below for additional information relating to the Teaching Position Hiring Process.

Position Action Request (PAR) Form

Find more information about the Position Action Request (PAR) Form including guides, tutorials, and forms.

Supplemental Information

Find more information about Supplemental Information.

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The HR Talent Acquisition team is available to assist with the hiring process.

Questions should be emailed to employment@wichita.edu.

Faculty searches utilize a process similar to the non-teaching employee process but also have other required elements. Before beginning faculty search activities, please contact Laura Manning at 316-978-5051 or laura.manning@wichita.edu .
All instructions are based on general procedures. College/Department or Divisional direction should be followed when instructions differ.

Updated: 01/19/2022 SRAP