Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2020

Liana Savage, Gayani Wijegunawardena, Kandatege Wimalasena, The effect of mitochondrial SOD-2 knockout on the dopaminergic toxicity of MPP+ in C. elegans PD Model, Poster presentation - 18th annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium - Wichita, KS

Umama Ali, David S. Long, Quantification and Analysis of Morphological Changes in Microvascular Endothelial Cells After Exposure to Unidirectional or Pulsatile Flow 鈥 Poster presentation - 18th annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium - Wichita, KS

Subash Bhandari, Bernardo Villafana, Kim Cluff, Classifying Benign and Malignant Melanomas in Genetically Engineered Mouse Models using a Radio Frequency (RF) Resonator 鈥 Poster presentation - 18th annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium - Wichita, KS

Tabatha Polk, Sarah Schmitt, Jessica Aldrich, David Long, Effects of Fluid Shear Stress on Dermal Human Microvascular Endothelial Cell Morphology 鈥 Poster presentation - 18th annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium - Wichita, KS - Honorable Mention

Miguel Contreras and David Long, Development of an Automatic Computational Machine Learning Pipeline to Process Confocal Images for Virtual Cell Generation 鈥 Poster presentation - 18th annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium - Wichita, KS

Tabatha Polk, Sarah Schmitt, Jessica Aldrich, David Long, Impact of Fluid Shear Stress on the Morphology of Dermal Endothelial Cells 鈥 Poster presentation - Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Conference - Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2019

Ashley Stroh, Jaydip Desai, Hybrid Human-Machine Interface to Ensure Human Safety during Powered Wheelchair Conrol - Poster Presentation - Device Technologies and Biomedical Robotics Track - Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA

Grant Downes, Kim Cluff, Wearable Sensing System for Monitoring Intracranial Bio-fluid Shifts in Aerospace Applications 鈥 Poster presentation - Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA

Ashley Stroh, Jaydip Desai, Human-Centered Deep Learning Neural Network Trained Myoelectric Controller for a Powered Wheelchair - Oral Presentation - International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR) 2019 - Houston, TX

Leah Fisher, Musculoskeletal Modeling of Patellofemoral Contact Force While Walking, 3 Months after ACL Reconstruction 鈥 Poster presentation - University of Delaware REU Research Symposium - Newark, DE

Rex Hafenstine, Fabrication of Lightweight Wearable pH Sensor for Monitoring Human Health, Oral and poster presentation - McNairs Scholars Program Annual Research Symposium - Wichita, KS - 2nd place

Anne Dowling, Jaydip Desai, Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks to Classify Human Forearm Muscle Signals for Individual Finger Movement of a Robotic Hand 鈥 Oral Presentation 鈥 19th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum 鈥 Wichita, KS - 2nd place

Zaid Alashqar, Investigating the Effectiveness of DLP Stereolithography as Compared to Traditional Laser Stereolithography 3D Printing 鈥 Oral Presentation - 19th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum 鈥 Wichita, KS

Linh Nguyen, Revealing Interactions between Palladin and Actin with Florescent Tags and TIRF Microscopy, Poster presentation - 19th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum 鈥 Wichita, KS

Connor Shannon, Comparison of Fluid Shear Patterns on HMEC-1 Morphology, Poster presentation - 19th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum 鈥 Wichita, KS

Fadi Gerges, Jaydip Desai,  A Novel Design of a Single Actuator Differential Mechanism to Control a Prosthetic Hand, Oral presentation 鈥 56th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium 2019 鈥 Milwaukee, WI - Won the symposium鈥檚 1st place Anthony Sances Jr. Award of Merit

Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2018

Leah Fisher, Gallagher KM and Vasavada AN. The Effect of Table Reading in a Reclined Trunk position on Neck Muscle Strain, Cental State Chapter 鈥 American College of Sports Medicine 2018 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO

Subash Bhandari, Cluff K. Electromagnetic Skin Patch Sensor for the Detection of Cerebrospinal Fluid Volume Changes in the Cerebral Ventricles of a Hydrocephalic Head Phantom, 2018 BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA

Brandon Eckerman.  BMES Student Chapter Near-Peer Mentoring in Project Lead the Way Senior Design Projects, 2018 BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA

Anne Dowling, Jaydip Desai, Artificial Neural Network to Classify Human Forearm Muscle Signals for Individual Finger Movement of a Robotic Hand, Device Technologies and Biomedical Robotics Track, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, 2018 BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Fadi Gerges, Jaydip Desai, Design of a Single Actuator Differential Mechanism for a Prosthetic Hand, Oral Presentation in Prosthetics and Exoskeletons Track, 2018 BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Bernardo Villafana-Ibarra, Bhandari S, Becker R, Cluff K, Spiral Resonaters for Objective Screening of Cutaneous Melanoma, 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Honolulu, HI.  

Subash Bhandari, Villafana-Ibarra B, Cluff K, Investigating Melanocyte Dielectric Permittivity of Melanoma On Skin Using A RF Resonator, National IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE), Washington D.C. 

Jessica Aldrich, Gayle J, Ramirez N, Singleton M, Device for Actively Monitoring the Integrity of Intrathecal Catheter Systems, 26th Annual KU School of Medicine Wichita Research Forum, Wichita, KS

Jessica Aldrich, Griffith JL, Moore-Jansen P, Cluff K, Development of Computer Vision and Machine Learning Algorithms for Objective Determination of Crania Age, Great Plains Honors Council Conference, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. Awarded 1st place poster presentation

Gabi Mostrom, Static MRI Measurements and Analysis of the Healthy Levator Muscle in the Soft Palate, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st place oral presentation.

Bernardo Villafana-Ibarra, Developing Non-Invasive Sensor for Opportune Detection of Cutaneous Melanoma, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

William Bachman, Quantifying Force Transmission and Morphological Variation in Populations of Endothelial Cell Clusters, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Subash Bhandari, Investing Melanocyte Dielectric Permittivity of Melanoma on Skin Using a RF Resonator, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd place poster presentation.

Ashwin Govindarajan, The Effects of Incline and Decline Walking on Lumbar Flexion and Extension Angles, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Aaron Hodson, Fatigue's Effect on Back Angles during Repetitive Lifting, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Joe Pherigo, Simulation of Morphologically Variant Endothelial Cells in ANSYS, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Vanessa Tran, Determining Dot Patterns for Micro-Contact Printing, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Grant Milford, Difference in Single Leg Balance Strategies between the Sexes after a Fatiguing Lifting Activity, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

William Marsh, Comparing Three-Dimensional to Two-Dimensional Muscle Analysis Techniques during a Dynamic Pedaling Motion, 18th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Fayez Alruwaili and Kim Cluff, Heart-Ventricular Blood Volume Assessment using Non-Invasive Skin Patch Sensor, Kansas Undergraduate Day at the Capitol, Topeka, KS. Awarded 1st place poster presentation.

William Bachman and Long D, Quantifying Force Transmission and Morphological Variation in Populations of Endothelial Cell Clusters: A Virtual-Cell Approach, 16th Annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Overland Park, KS.

Zachary Longhofer and Long D, Facilitating Understanding of a 3-D Virtual Endothelial Cell Population Modeling Framework, 16th Annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Overland Park, KS.

Subash Bhandari and Cluff K, Investigating Melanocytes Dielectric Permittivity of Melanoma on Skin using a RF Resonator, 16th Annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Overland Park, KS.

Braden Stuart and Mellott AJ, Puncture and Stretch Testing of Human Wharton's Jelly Cells, 16th Annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Overland Park, KS.

William Bachman and Long D, Force Transmission and Morphological Variation in Populations of Endothelial Cell Clusters, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Conference, Key Largo, FL.

Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2017

Jacob Griffith, Eckerman B, Becker R, Richardson A, Cluff K. Non-invasive Method for Monitoring Microgravity Induced Bio-fluid shifts in Lower Limbs, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Seattle, WA.

Brandon Eckerman, Griffith J, Aldrich J, Becker R, Richardson A, Cluff K. Non-invasive Method for Intracranial Fluid Volume Shift Detection in a Microgravity Environment, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Seattle, WA.

Reece Burns, Villafana B, Cluff K. Investigating Passive RF-Sensor Capability for the Direct Measurement of Space Suit Fit, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Seattle, WA.

Alexandra Deghand, Koya B, Decker W, Pak W, Untaroiu C, Gayzik S, Application of the Euro NCAP pedestrian protocol using an advanced human body model, Experience for Undergraduates Symposium, Alexandria, VA.

Jacob Griffith, Eckerman B, Aldrich J, Becker R, Amick R, Patterson J, Cluff K. Detection Of Intracranial Fluid Volume Shifts by a Non-invasive Electromagnetic Skin Patch Sensor, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Brandon Eckerman, Griffith J, Becker R, Cluff K. Non-invasive Skin Patch Sensor to Detect Lower-Leg Fluid Volume Shift after Simulated Microgravity, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Reece Burns, Aldrich J, Griffith J, Villafana B, Cluff K. The Design and Application of an Anthropometric Biosensor to Aid in Detecting Spacesuit Fit and Body Position, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Fayez Aruwaili, Griffith J, Patterson J, Cluff K. Quantification of Fluid Changes through Cardiac Muscle for the Development of a Biomedical, Electromagnetic Patch Sensor, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Jessica Aldrich, Griffith J, Moore-Jansen P, Cluff K. Quantitative Method to Estimate Age-at-Death of Human Crania Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Silvia Alvarez, Lindeman C, Pang S and Jasiuk I. Characterization of Colitis and Control Bones, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Jessica Aldrich 鈥 Development of Mn@C-Dot Based T1 MRI Contrast Agents, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Alexandra Deghand, Koya B, Decker W, Pak W, Untaroiu C, Gayzik S, Application of the Euro NCAP pedestrian protocol using an advanced human body model, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Carol Viluethpad, Validating an Open Circuit Resonant Skin Patch as an Ergonomic Proximity Sensor, 21st Annual MKN McNair Heartland Research Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Jessica Gayle and Sean Sun, Cell and Nuclear Volume during Adhesion and Detachment, Hopkins C.A.R.E.S. Summer Symposium, Baltimore, MD.

Martina Salerno, Tissue Engineering of Vascular Grafts: Multi-layer Scaffold Constructs, McNairs Scholars Program Annual Research Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Carol Viluethpad, Validating an Open Circuit Resonant Skin Patch as an Ergonomic Proximity Sensor, McNairs Scholars Program Annual Research Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Esther Alao, Improving Personalized Medicine by Measuring the Sequence Variation in the Disease Enzyme Marker Lactate Dehydrogenase, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference, Chicago, IL.

Fayez Alruwaili, Griffith J, Cluff K, Patterson J, Toward the Development of a Skin Patch Sensor to Monitor Cardiac Function: An investigation into the Electromagnetic Properties of Fluid in the Left Ventricle of a Bovine Heart, 25th Annual KU School of Medicine Wichita Research Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st place student poster.

Jacob Griffith, Peer Moore-Jansen, Jessica Aldrich, Kim Cluff, Use of Computer Vision and Machine Learning Techniques to Determine Age-at-Death of Human Crania, Lambda Alpha Anthropological Honor Society Symposium, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd place oral presentation.

Jessica Aldrich, Kim Cluff, Miriam Yassine, Jeremy Patterson, Electromagnetic Resonant Sensor for Bone Health Diagnostics, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Oral Presentation.

Rachel Jones, Nils Hakansson, Comparison of Force Production of Single to Multiple Pneumatic Artificial Muscles, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Jonathan Whitford, Kim Cluff, Towards Cuffless Measurement of Blood Pressure, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Esther Alao, Logan Pohl, Allan Ayella, Moriah Beck Improving Personalized Medicine by Measuring Sequence Variation Impact on Disease Enzyme Marker, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Fayez Alruwaili, Kim Cluff, Jacob Griffith, Jeremy Patterson, Biological Model and Quantification of Fluid Changes using an Electromagnetic Patch Sensor, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Poster.

Josie Eck, Khoi Lam, Gary Brooking, The Biomechanics of Bow Arm Violin Playing, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Brandon Eckerman, Jacob Griffith, Jessica Aldrich, Kim Cluff, Electromagnetic Resonant Sensor Patch for Detection of Fluid Volume Shifts within Intracranial Space, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd Place Poster.

Gisela Guzman, Gary Brooking, A Remote Equine Health Monitor for the Detection and Monitoring of Vital Signs, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Vy Lam, Gary Brooking, The Design of Lower Prosthetic Arm for Playing the Violin, 17th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Fayez Alruwalli, Jacob Griffith, Cluff K and Patterson J, Non-invasive Point-of-Care Method for Measuring Left-Ventricular Stroke-Volume using a Passive Electromagnetic Skin Patch Sensor, American College of Cardiology Conference, Washington, DC.

Martina Salerno, Laser Surface Modification of Bio-metals for Cardiac Stent Applications, 15th Annual Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Manhattan, KS.

Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2016

Braden Stuart, AJ Mellott, An Investigation of Parafilm as a Substrate for Manipulating Human Wharton's Jelly Cells, to be presented at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Conference, San Diego, CA.

Jesus Gonzalez and Mahapatro A, Thermal Spray Coatings on Magnesium, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, Tampa, FL.

Jessica Aldrich, Mahapatro A, Patterson J and Cluff K, Wireless Bone Health Sensor for the Detection of Hydroxyapatite, Midwest Biomedical Engineering Society Regional Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Jessica Aldrich, Yassine M, Muntimadugu N, Patterson J, Mahapatro A and Cluff K, Electromagnetic Resonant Bone Health Sensor Skin Patch for the Detection of Osteoporosis and Bone Density Changes, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Alexandra Deghand, Domire ZJ, An Accurate Model of Moment Arms of the Elbow Flexors by Using a Multiple Polynomial Equation Approach, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Hannah Hund, An Evaluation of the State of Neuromuscular Blockade Monitoring Devices, Vanderbilt University Summer Science Academy 14th Annual Research Symposium, Nashville, TN.

Jessica Aldrich, Yassine M, Muntimadugu N, Patterson J, Mahapatro A and Cluff K, Electromagnetic Resonant Bone Health Sensor Skin Patch for the Detection of Osteoporosis and Bone Density Changes, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Orlando, FL.

Martina Salerno, Cell Material Interactions of Laser Modified Orthopedic Implants, Wichita State University McNair Scholar Program Annual Closing Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Jose Esquivel, Design of a Human Hand Prosthesis with a Functional Palm Roll Joint and Force Detection, 好色先生 McNair Scholar Program Annual Closing Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Jesus Gonzalez, Thermal Spray Coatings on Magnesium, 好色先生 McNair Scholar Program Annual Closing Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Gabriela Valverde, Testing the Hill-Type Muscle Mechanics Model while Pedaling in Relation to Muscle Fiber Strain Using Ultrasound and Electromyography, 好色先生 McNair Scholar Program Annual Closing Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Jacob Griffith, Andre Wakim, Moore-Jansen P, Cluff K., Non-invasive Biomedical Patch Sensor to Measure Intracranial Pressure, IEEE EMBS 13th Annual Body Sensor Networks Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Jerad Rogers, Jayakumar B, Patterson J and Cluff K, Electromagnetic Properties of Blood-flow for Screening of Peripheral Artery Disease, American Heart Association Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology/Peripheral Vascular Disease Scientific Sessions, Nashville, TN.

Jerad Rogers, Ryan Becker, Jayakumar B, Patterson J and Cluff K, Electromagnetic Plethysmography Smart-Skin for Point-of-Care Screening of Claudication, Biomedical Engineering Society Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference, Washington, DC. Top 6 Undergraduate Poster.

Martina Salerno, Nair R, and Mahapatro A, Laser Surface Modification of Cobalt Chromium Alloys, Materials Research Society National Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Jerad Rogers, Ryan Becker, Jayakumar B, Patterson J and Cluff K, Biological Model Study using Electromagnetic Screening Techniques for Peripheral Artery Disease, 24th Annual KU School of Medicine - Wichita Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Student Poster.

Andre Wakim, Jacob Griffith and Cluff K, The Development of an Intracranial Pressure Sensing Technique to Eliminate Shortcomings of Current Methods, 24th Annual KU School of Medicine - Wichita Forum, Wichita, KS.

Jerad Rogers, Quantification of Arterial Electromagnetic Properties for Peripheral Artery Disease Screening, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Poster.

Jessica Aldrich, Electromagnetic Resonant Bone Health Sensor Patch for Detection of Osteoporosis, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Jennifer Mattar, Promoting Health through Mass Media: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Assessment of Student Ebola Perceptions, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Martina Salerno, Laser Surface Modification of the Orthopedic Bio-metal, Cobalt Chromium Alloy, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd Place Oral Presentation.

Jessica Gayle, Validation of a Dynamic Electrochemical Apparatus within In-Vitro Conditions, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Khoi Lam, Differences in Human Gait while Carrying a Load at Different Positions on the Back, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Alec Richardson, A Computational Model of Electroactive Polymer Assisted Left Ventricular Contraction, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Oral Presentation.

Ryan Becker, Identification of Intracellular to Extracellular Chemical Variations of Inhibitory Cell Function in Muscle Cell Pathology, 16th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Martina Salerno, Nair R and Mahapatro A, Laser Surface Modification of Orthopedic Bio-Metals, McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Research, National Research Conference, College Park, MD.

Jessica Gayle, Dynamic Electrochemical Corrosion Evaluation of 316L Stainless Steel in Simulated Body Fluid Conditions, Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Topeka, KS.

Ryan Becker, Identification of Important Intracellular to Extracellular Chemical Inhibitory Cell Function in Muscle Cell Pathology, Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Overland Park, KS.

Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2015

Martina Salerno, Nair R, and Mahapatro A, Laser Surface Treatment to Enhance Biointegration of Orthopedic Implants, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, Seattle, WA. Received a 2015 Presentation Award.

Jessica Gayle and Mahapatro A, Dynamic Electrochemical Corrosion Evaluation of 316L Stainless Steel in Simulated Body Fluid Conditions, Midwest Biomedical Engineering Society Regional Conference, Akron, OH.

Jose Esquivel, Considerations when Designing an Exoskeleton Prosthetic Hand, 19th Annual MKN McNair Heartland Research Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Ryan Becker, Howard K, Carson L, Mehraein H and Cluff K, Optimal Probing of Muscle Damage in Peripheral Artery Disease Hind Limb Ischemia Murine Model, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Shawn Hughes and Mahapatro A, Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Flow through a Dynamic Electrochemical Biodegradation Test Apparatus, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Woods N, Chesser A and Jennifer Mattar, Promoting Health for All Kansans through Mass Media: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Assessment of Student Ebola Perceptions, Kansas Public Health Association, Manhattan, KS.

Jose Esquivel, Design of an Exoskeleton Device, McNairs Scholars Program Annual Research Symposium, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Poster.

Khoi Lam, Differences in Human Gait while Carrying a Load with Different Positions on the Back, McNairs Scholars Program Annual Research Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Martina Salerno, Laser Surface Treatment to Enhance Biointegration of Orthopedic Implants, McNairs Scholars Program Annual Research Symposium, Wichita, KS.

Linh Vu, Variability in Torso Kinematics in Arm-Constrained Human Rolling, 23rd Annual KU School of Medicine Research Forum, Wichita, KS.

Kaitlyn Howard, Spectral Analysis of Ischemic Muscle from Peripheral Artery Disease, 23rd Annual KU School of Medicine Research Forum, Wichita, KS.

Ryan Becker, Analysis of Elemental Concentrations in Ischemic Muscles of Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, 23rd Annual KU School of Medicine Research Forum, Wichita, KS.

Hailey Lundin, Preliminary Validation of a Pseudo-Physiological Test Bench in Accelerated Dynamic Electrochemical Conditions, 15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Ryan Becker, Optimization of nanoparticle-embedded scaffolds to improve neural cell remyelination through Raman micro-spectroscopy, 15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

RJ Clark, Examination of Hand Kinematics for the Development of Assistive Orthotics, 15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Matthew Wong, Method for Culturing Bacterial Colonies on Agar Coated Microscope Slides Using the Strain: Bacillus Megaterium, 15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Kaitlyn Howard, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectral Biomarkers of Muscle Degeneration, 15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd Place Poster.

Sandra Olekanma, Surface Modification of Titanium and Stainless Steel with Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Based Polymer Brushes, 15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Linh Vu, Variability in Torso Kinematics in Arm-Constrained Human Rolling,15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Lindsey Carson, Muscle Damage in Hind Limb Ischemia Murine Model of PAD, 15th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Poster.

Hailey Lundin, Biocorrosion Evaluations in Accelerated Dynamic Electrochemical Conditions, Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Topeka, KS. Awarded Top 12 (out of >90 posters).

Hootan Mehraein, Analysis of Muscle Cell Pathology with Special Biomarkers, Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Topeka, KS.

Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2014

Hailey Lundin, Bio-Corrosion Evaluations Using Dynamic Electrochemical Methods, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Kayla Jensen, Effect of PCL and PPDL Polymer Coatings on the Degradation Rate and Biocompatability of Magnesium, 14th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

David Jorgensen, Accelerometer Balance Study, 14th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Podium Presentation.

Anosh Gomes, Production of the Red Pigment Prodigiosin in Serratia Marcescens using Fed-Batch Bioreactors, 14th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 2nd Place Poster.

Lindsey Carson, A comparison of Estimated Heart Rate and Peak Heart Rate in Firefighters and Non-Firefighters, 14th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Poster.

Lisa Donner, Time to Target Heart Rate in Professional Firefighters Wearing a Weighted Vest vs. Firefighter Gear, 14th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Justen Crane, Niobium Thin Films on Magnesium Alloy, 14th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Joshua Palacios, Computational Simulation of Drug Elution from Polymeric Microspheres, 14th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Joshua Palacios, Mathematical Modeling of Paclitaxel Diffusion from Biodegradable PLDLA Microspheres, Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Topeka, KS.

Lindsey Carson and Lisa Donner, Time to Target Heart Rate in Professional Firefighters Wearing a Weighted Vest versus Firefighter Gear, Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Topeka, KS.

Kayla Jensen, Polymer Coatings on Magnesium for Biodegradable Implant Applications, Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Symposium, Kansas City, KS. Awarded 3rd Place Podium Presentation.

Hootan Mehraein, Biofluid-Structural Interaction in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm for Predicting Timeline to Rupture: The Effect of Hypertension and Aorta Wall Material Properties, COMSOL-Multiphysics Conference, Boston, MA.

Hootan Mehraein, Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Drug Release Rates from Magnetic Nanocomposite Spheres, COMSOL-Multiphysics Conference, Boston, MA.

Hootan Mehraein, Modeling of Hydrogel-based Controlled Drug Delivery System for Breast Cancer Treatment, COMSOL-Multiphysics Conference, Boston, MA.

Hootan Mehraein, Computational Model to Analyze the Failure of Arterial Functional Recovery after Surgical Revascularization Due to Micro-Vascular Dysfunction, COMSOL-Multiphysics Conference, Boston, MA.

Hootan Mehraein, Energy Storage in a Motor Combined High Temperature Superconductor and Flywheel Energy Storage, COMSOL-Multiphysics Conference, Boston, MA.

Lisa Donner and Lindsey Carson, Time to Target Heart Rate in Professional Firefighters Wearing a Weighted Vest vs. Firefighter Gear, American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Undergraduate Student Research Presentations - 2013

Jordan Bontrager, Design of Dynamic Test Bench for Evaluating Biodegradable Metallic Stent Materials, Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Topeka, KS.

Joshua Palacios, Computer Aided Design of Drug Delivery Systems, McNairs Scholars Program Annual Research Symposium, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Poster.

Joshua Palacios, Computer Aided Design of Drug Delivery Systems: Modeling of Polymeric Microspheres,17th Annual MKN McNairs Heartland Research Conference, Kansas City, KS.

Pie Pichetsurnthorn, Growth and Differentiation of Neuronal Cells in Injectable Collagen Hydrogel for Neural Regeneration, 13th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Podium Presentation.

Jordan Bontrager, Design of Dynamic Corrosion Test Bench for Evaluating Potential Cardiovascular Biodegradable Stent Materials, 13th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Anosh Gomes, Biocorrosion Evaluation of Organic Coatings on Magnesium Alloys for Cardiovascular and Orthopedic Applications, 13th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS. Awarded 1st Place Poster.

Alan Nguyen, Fabrication of Self Assembled Multilayers on Magnesium Alloy for Drug Delivery from Biodegradable Metallic Stents, 13th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS

Laura Elson, Fabrication of Polyelectrolyte Layers on Magnesium Alloys for Cell Growth in Bone Tissue Engineering, 13th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.

Nguyet Le, Reading/Writing Station for Limited Space in a Nursing Home, 13th Annual 好色先生 Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum, Wichita, KS.