Service-Learning Showcase


The Service-Learning Showcase is a unique opportunity for students who participate in service-learning through applied learning opportunities to showcase their experience through a research or reflective poster about the application of their course work to current community issues. The showcase is an open forum for students to interact with faculty/staff, community partners and other students to engage in conversation about 好色先生's commitment to the public good. The showcase will be held annually in the spring semester. 


Any student who is enrolled in a course with a service-learning component may enter to showcase.

Awards will be presented in the following categories:

  • Outstanding Overall Service-Learning Project- $150 scholarship to winning entry

  • Innovation and Creativity in Problem Solving- $100 scholarship to winning entry

  • Community Impact/ Community Choice- $100 scholarship to winning entry 

  • Collaboration and Leadership in Service-Learning- $100 scholarship to winning entry

Service-Learning Showcase Timeline and Important Dates

Date Activity
Now Submissions Open
Friday, April 5, 2024 Submission/ Registration Deadline
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Judge Receive Showcase Materials
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Service-Learning Showcase RSC Ballroom 11am-12:30pm *all submission will be judged during the in-person showcase for the first round review. Teams must have at least one member present. 
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Notification to Finalist- Invite for Mini Presentation and Question & Answers with Judging Panel
Friday, April 19, 2024 Finalist Mini Presentations (via Zoom, sign-up provided to team captains)
Monday, April 22, 2024

Announcement of Award and Scholarship Winners 

Poster/ PowerPoint Criteria | Tips and Reminders


Categories are Overall Service-Learning, Community Impact, Innovation and Creativity (i.e. problem solving) and Collaboration/Leadership

Overall Service-learning-participants should demonstrate the best service-learning project overall at the service-learning showcase. This project incorporates all of the qualities of social causes, innovation, creativity, collaboration and leadership.

Community Impact-the criteria for this poster is for service-learning participants to have an impact in the community by working on social causes that improve the capacity and infrastructure of the organization. 

Innovation, creativity and advocacy- the criteria for these awards will focus on using the ingenuity of students and creativity of service projects in the community to solve community problems (i.e., building ramps for seniors, painting murals for a school or city block, neighborhood clean-ups, mobilizing a march, organizing voting drives).

Collaboration/leadership-this criteria will recognize the collaboration and leadership skills needed to bring together a group of people to conduct a service project. It is important to coordinate the efforts behind the scenes to get volunteers to and from service-learning projects. For example, engaging youth in projects, mentoring and tutoring activities, participating in a day of service.

Poster/ PowerPoint Tips

PowerPoints should be created as a stand alone artifact. In the first round of review, judges will review your PowerPoint (in .pdf format) to understand your academic service-learning experience. 

PowerPoints should be no longer than 8 slides. In the next section, content for your PowerPoint will be listed. 

Poster Content Recommendations

Description in words and graphics of your service-learning experience using the following guidelines:

Community Partner

  • Community partner鈥檚 name, mission and target population served
  • Include photos and logo

Personal growth through your service-learning experiences- lessons learned

  • Share personal reflection
  • Personal awareness
  • Future goals and aspirations

Academic Connection

  • Relate information back to the academic discipline
  • What principles from class relate to the service that was conducted?
  • What you learned that you could not have learned in the classroom?

Impacting the community

  • Nature of your service-learning activities
  • Community impact/ capacity built 


  • Community partner/ Volunteer Coordinator/ Supervisor 
  • Faculty supervisors/Mentors
  • Resources
Judging Criteria and Overview

All judging will be done virtually. In the first rounds, our panel of community partner leaders will review each digital .pdf poster/PowerPoint submission based on the below criteria. Submissions that are deemed as finalist will be notified and invited to participate in the second/ final round of judging, which will consist of a live Zoom mini-presentation and chance for the judges to ask questions of the students. More details are in the next section. 

The Criteria for Judging the Poster

  • Ease of Viewing
  • Content
  • Spelling and grammar
  • Integration of the service-learning concepts (service-learning and academic discipline)

Poster elements should align with:

Academic Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice

Meaningful Service: Service-learning actively engages participants in meaningful and personally relevant service activities

Link to Curriculum: Service-learning is intentionally used as an instructional strategy to meet learning goals and/or content standards.

Reflection: Service-learning incorporates multiple challenging reflection activities that are ongoing and that prompt deep thinking and analysis about oneself and one鈥檚 relationship to society.

Diversity: Service-learning promotes understanding of diversity and mutual respect among all participants

Student Voice: Service-Learning provides students with a strong voice in planning, implementing, and evaluating service-learning experiences with guidance from the instructor and community partner.

Partnership: Service-learning partnerships are collaborative, mutually beneficial, and address community needs.

Progress Monitoring: Service-learning engaged participants in an ongoing process to assess the quality of implementation and progress toward meeting specified goals, and uses results for improving and sustainability.

Duration and intensity: Service-Learning has sufficient duration and intensity to address community needs and meet specified outcomes.

Finalist/ Mini-Presentation | Q& A 

Finalist Presentation Notes- students/ student teams selected as finalists will be asked to prepare a brief (1 minute) overview of the project and then engage in a question and answer/ discussion time with the panel of community partner judges. 

Finalist will be notified by email notifying them of their status. Emails will be sent to Team Captains for all team entries. 

All presentations/ Q & A sessions will be held via Zoom.