
We've Moved!

Please note, The Shocker Career Accelerator has moved to the Milly Marcus Annex of the Marcus Welcome Center.

New Career Services Platform is LIVE! 

Learn more about Shocker Central.

Transition to New Career Services Platform—Shocker Central

We are excited to announce that the Shocker Career Accelerator is transitioning career services platforms from Handshake to Shocker Central (powered by 12Twenty). This change is part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing career support for our students and improving our overall career services infrastructure. We can't wait to unveil the new platform soon. Faculty and staff access will be available soon—stay tuned for more details.

Why the Change?

12Twenty offers a more robust and user-friendly interface that will better serve the diverse needs of our students, alumni, employers, and the entire university community. Key benefits of 12Twenty include:

Advanced Analytics:

12Twenty provides comprehensive data analytics tools that will help us track and improve career outcomes for our students.

Customized Reporting:

The platform allows for more customized reporting, which will enable us to better understand and respond to the career needs and trends of our student body.

Enhanced Employer Engagement:

With improved employer relationship management tools, 12Twenty will facilitate stronger connections between our students and potential employers.

User Experience:

The intuitive and user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for students, faculty, and staff, making the navigation and utilization of career resources easier and more efficient.

Next Steps

Update Your Resources

Please update any references to Handshake in your materials and communications to reflect the switch to Shocker Central. Change Handshake links on your webpage to Shocker Central at 

Retrieve Existing Information:

If you have used Handshake to post student positions, please log into the system and download any job descriptions you may want to reuse in Shocker Central in the future. 


We are confident that Shocker Central will significantly enhance our career services and support our mission to provide exceptional career opportunities for our students. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment during this transition.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us! 

Contact Us

Shocker Career Accelerator
Marcus Welcome Center, Suite 139
Wichita, Kansas 67260


Visit us online at wichita.edu/career