ePAF Training Hub

What is an ePAF?

Electronic Personnel Action Forms (ePAFs) allow departments to submit online employment position requests for Non-Benefits Eligible Employees using Banner Self Service.  The requests are moved through a predefined approval queue and then posted to the employee's record in Banner.  ePAFs are date driven and must be:

  • Entered by an ePAF Originator in Banner Self Service based upon the information received from the budget officer, hiring manager, or their designee
  • Must be approved by all approvers before the employee begins work
  • Are applied in Banner in an automatic, overnight process

ePAF Training & Support

ePAF Training sessions are available for both new and experienced ePAF Originators (those that enter the information into Banner Self Service) and Approvers (primary and proxy).

  • Full ePAF training for Originators is required for all new ePAF Originators.  It is offered on the second Thursday of the month and posted in myTraining for registration. 
  • ePAF Approval training is required for new ePAF Approvers and Proxy Approvers. Approval training is offered remotely on an as needed basis. 

Training sessions are co-facilitated by Payroll and ITS Applications Training.

Prior to attending training, Budget Officers are asked to request ePAF security access for their employee.  Instructions are found in the .

ePAF Types & Definitions

ePAF Category

ePAFs are used to electronically process requests for:

  • Student Assistants
  • Graduate Assistants
  • Lecturer
  • Temporary: U3 (non-exempt) and U4 (exempt)
  • Additional Compensation for benefit eligible, exempt employees
  • Terminate employees from current positions
  • Terminate employees from current positions AND from 好色先生
  • Create/Revise Campus Box information
Student Assistants and Temporary (U3) employees are:
  • Non-exempt (hourly)
  • Paid based upon the number of hours worked each pay period
  • The Temporary (U3) and student Research New Hire/Add Job ePAF termination date is entered when the ePAF is created; email ePAF@wichita.edu to request removal of original date prior to processing a Termination ePAF
  • A Graduate Student may be processed as an hourly Student Assistant
  • A Temporary (U3) employee fills a staff level, non-teaching, non-exempt position
Graduate Assistants, Lecturer and Temporary (U4) employees are:
  • Exempt (salaried)
  • Paid until the position is terminated
  • Termination date is entered when the ePAF is created; to change the termination date, email ePAF@wichita.edu to request removal of termination date prior to processing a new termination ePAF
  • Graduate Appointment Notices are processed based upon ePAF information
  • Lecturer cannot hold a non-exempt position
  • A Temporary (U4) employee fills a staff level, non-teaching, exempt position
Additional Compensation ePAFs for Benefit Eligible, Exempt Employees are:
  • Used to process an Additional Compensation (Overload) to an active, exempt, benefit eligible employee
  • Only used when the employee鈥檚 Employment Class (eClass) is FA, F2, UE, or UA
  • Paid until the position is terminated
Terminate Employee From Position ePAFs are:
  • Used to terminate an employee鈥檚 active position(s)
  • Termination date is entered when the ePAF is created; to change the termination date, email ePAF@wichita.edu to request removal of termination date prior to processing a new termination ePAF
  • Instructions are located on the ePAF Hub under ePAF Processing Guides: 

Note: Terminating the employee from their position will initate the 60 day termination process.  Sixty days after the employee is terminated from the position, they will automatically be terminated from the University.  The exception to this is if there is a 'future' ePAF already in place.

Employee is leaving Department AND 好色先生 ePAFs are:
  • Used to terminate an employee鈥檚 position(s) AND terminate the employee from the University, this ePAF must be used with care!
  • After the ePAF is approved and applied in Banner, a series of events are automatically triggered including termination of benefits and computer network access
  • Instructions are located on the ePAF Hub under ePAF Processing Guides:  T-TERM - Employee is leaving Departmen AND 好色先生 ePAF
Campus Box Address Change ePAF:
  • Instructions are located on the ePAF Toolbox, 3.05.03 Campus Box Address Changes ePAF Data Entry Guide


Types of ePAFs for Non-Benefit Eligible Positions

Available for Non-Benefit Eligible Position ePAFs When the ePAF is used
New Hire/Rehire Hire an employee that does NOT have an active positon listed on the Reporting Services, HR-ePAF Report:  Enrollment/Employment Verification Report
Additional Job Hire an employee that HAS an active position on the Reporting Services, HR-ePAF Report: Enrollment/Employment Verification Report
Change of Status Used to change specific items on an active position including rate of pay, funding, number of hours worked in a pay period
Termination To terminate a Student New Hire or Add Job ePAF OR Change to an earlier termination date on other ePAFs
Refer to Processing Termination ePAFs guide listed below in Guides & Resources for detailed instructions
Research New Hire/Add Job Only used to hire Grant Funded Student Assistants
Fund Code Change To ONLY change the Fund Code for a current or future pay period for active employees hired on an ePAF

Comments are REQUIRED to document the change
Research Summer

Originated by the RTT Payroll area to hire faculty into summer research positions

The faculty member鈥檚 primary position is benefit eligible, the Research Summer position is not


Additional Types of ePAFs

Additional Types of ePAFs When the ePAF is used
A-TERM - Terminate Employee From Position Termination ePAF is used to terminate an employee鈥檚 position(s)
T-TERM - Employee is leaving Department AND 好色先生

Termination ePAF is used to terminate a benefit eligible employee鈥檚 position(s) AND the employee from the university

When the ePAF is approved and completed, it will trigger a series of events including termination of benefits and network access

This ePAF must be used with care!
Prior Pay Period Funding Change Form This is a hard copy form, NOT an ePAF

The form is used to process retroactive pay changes for Benefit AND Non-Benefit Eligible positions
Campus Box Address Changes

Originators may create or revise their department employee鈥檚 好色先生 Campus Box address and telephone numbers

The information displays on the various online 好色先生 Campus Directories
ePAF Approver Roles, Levels and Required Actions

ePAF security is based upon three ePAF roles, Approver, Proxy and Originator, each requires set up by Information Services and Human Resources. 

Approvers are assigned to the ePAF Approval Levels listed below with a required action of either Approve or FYI.  For detailed information, review Default Routing Queue Instruction Guide listed below in Guides & Resources.  Approvers are encouraged to assign at least one Proxy (backup) to approve ePAFs on their behalf when the approver is unavailable.

  1. Business Manager
  2. Department Supervisor (this is a generic label for lab managers, hiring managers, etc.)
  3. Budget Officer or Chair
  4. Budget Review Officer
  5. Vice President

Approver Required Actions of Approve or FYI are assigned to each Approval Level.  If the approval level is preassigned as mandatory, the originator cannot remove the level or change the required action.

  1.  Approve - the ePAF will stop on the approver and await their review and action (Approve or Return for Correction with Comments)
  2. FYI - the ePAF is viewable but will not stop; it will automatically advance to the next approver
ePAF Originator Role

The Originator role is typically filled by an Administrative Assistant and is responsible for entering information into Banner Self Service ePAFs.

Nonexempt & Exempt Non-Benefited Position Reminders

Non-Benefited Positions:

  • Are not eligible for retirement, vacation, sick leave, or discretionary holiday
  • May qualify for health insurance based upon Affordable Care Act (ACA) rules
  • Banner Self Service ePAFs are used to process employment forms

Nonexempt Positions:

  • Are hourly
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA) eligibility is calculated based upon the average number of hours worked per week and entered on the ePAF under Hours per Pay.

Exempt Positions:

  • Are salaried and paid until terminated
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA) eligibility is calculated based upon the average number of hours worked per week and entered on the ePaF under Hours per Pay
  • Employees must work the stated number of hours per week or less
Frequently Used Terminology

Term Description
Approver Business Manager, Budget Officer, Budget Review Officer, Vice President or various back office personnel responsible for reviewing and approving ePAFs

An ePAF Approver may assign one or more Proxies to approve ePAFs on their behalf.

The Approver must request ePAF security access for their Proxy; instructions are located in
Originator Department personnel such as an Administrative Assistant responsible for entering information into Banner Self Service, ePAF
Query Date

The date an approved ePAF becomes active in Banner

Also referred to as the Job Effective Date
Exempt Salaried employee (exempt from overtime pay)
Non-Exempt Hourly employee
ePAF Electronic Personnel Action Form


Automated Emails

Notification emails are sent to Approvers and their Proxies at 10AM and 3PM when an ePAF is awaiting their action. 

Confirmation emails are sent to Originators, Approvers and Proxies when an ePAF is Returned for Correction (with Comments), Voided or when it successfully completes the approval process and is Applied in Banner during an overnight process. After the ePAF is Applied, the employee may start work at 好色先生.

Hire Process for Non-Benefits Eligible Employees

Before submitting an ePAF, the Non-Benefits Eligible (NBE) Hire Form must be completed.  See the steps below regarding the process.

Note:  NBE forms are not needed for employees who are already listed as an active 好色先生 employee.    Only do an NBE form for new employees or to rehire an inactive employee.

For details regarding the full hiring process for Non-Benefits Eligible employees, please visit Human Resources NBE Hiring Process webpage:

1. Complete Non-Benefit Eligible (NBE) Hire Form

Department submits the Non-Benefit Eligible (NBE) Hire Form to Human Resources (HR)

  • Non-Benefits Eligible (NBE) Hire Form
  • Helpful tip: When filling out the NBE form, use the ePAF Query date (first day of the pay period) for the Desired First Day of Work.
    • If you do not use the Query date for the Desired First Day of work, an error will be generated when submitting the ePAF
    • The Personnel date field in the ePAF can reflect their actual first day of work

Image of NBE form

2. Onboarding Process begins - HR Contacts Potential Employee

HR reaches out to potential employee regarding the Onboarding process & paperwork that includes the I9

Image of onboarding webpage

  • Automated emails are sent from the Onboarding system with information when tasks are available to review and complete.
3. Employee completes Onboard Process

Potential employee completes all required paperwork including I9 and background check if needed

  • Every employee of the University must complete the I-9 form at the time of hire. This includes staff, faculty and student employees.

I-9 Required:

  • New Employees
  • In-Active Employees that are being re-hired:  Employees who leave the University need a new I-9 when they return to University employment, including employees returning after any break in service.

Image of location for in-active status on the Employment Verification report in Reporting Services

4. Complete the ePAF

HR sends email to department saying all tasks have been completed and ePAF can now be submitted

  • Note 鈥 Employees should not start working and hourly employees will not have a timesheet until the ePAF has been completed.

Image of email from HR stating that the onboarding process is complete

5. Employee can begin work

Once ePAF has been submitted, approved and completed 鈥 Employee can begin working.

  • ePAF Originator and Approvers will receive an email stating that the ePAF is complete and the employee can begin work.

Image of HR email example that the ePAF is complete


ePAF Process Overview

ePAFs must be Completed (Approved) by ALL approvers prior to the employee鈥檚 first day of work

ePAf Process

  • Originator processes the ePAF
  • Approvers receive automatic Notification emails at 10AM and 3PM when the ePAF is awaiting their approval
  • An automatic Confirmation email is sent to Approvers and the Originator at the end of an approval level, when the ePAF is Returned for Correction OR when it is Completed
  • Employee may start working after receipt of Completed Confirmation email
Department Responsibility

Complete/Print the following:

  • Hiring Packets are located on .
    (S) Student Hiring;  (G) Graduate Hiring;  (L) Lecturer Hiring; (U) Unclassified Professional Temp Hire Packet
  • Pre-Employment Form (part of )
  • Position Description (part of )
  • Background Check information is located on
Hiring Manager/ Supervisor Responsibility
  • Completes the appropriate form
    • This information is used to create the ePAF for the new employee
  • Completed form is returned to the department鈥檚 ePAF originator for processing

ePAF cannot be created until potential employee completes all HR paperwork including I-9.  HR will email the department contact listed on the Request to Hire form once the ePAF can be created and submitted.

Image of HR email

Employee Responsibility
  • Employee personally delivers to Office of Human Resources (OHR):
    • Completes electronic Background Authorization via email
    • All paperwork completed by Employee and Department
    • Proof of Identity and Eligibility to Work 鈥 most common documents provided by employee to Office of Human Resources include a current Photo ID (Passport or Driver鈥檚 License) AND current Social Security Card or Passport
Office of Human Resources (OHR) Responsibility
  • Review all completed paperwork with employee
  • Employee base record information is entered and/or updated in Banner HR


ePAF Training Guides & Resources

Click on a topic below for more information.

ePAF Information Prep Form

Use the this form to gather the information needed to complete the ePAF.

Approver Guides

Each type of ePAF has a required list of Approvers that much verfiy the information listed before the ePAF can be applied.   See the guides below for more information.

Lecturer & Graduate ePAF Guidelines
  • Information regarding Lecturers & GTA Policies and forms available
  • Prior to entering the Graduate ePAF, review the Enrollment / Employment Verification Report in Reporting Services, HR 鈥 ePAF Reports to determine eligibility.

  • Things to know BEFORE you start a Graduate ePAF
  • Calculate Graduate hourly rate to verify minimums are met
ePAF Originator Guides
  • Non Benefited Employees Appointment & ePAF Dates Guide contains a listing of payroll begin & end dates, query dates, and the earliest personnel dates to be used in the ePAF.
  • HR & Payroll Deadlines Toolbox lists resources to assist with Payroll Processing Approval deadlines, ePAF deadlines for both initiating & terminating employment, as well as  deadline terminology definations. 
    HR & Payroll Deadlines
  • Approval Levels are required on all ePAFs and are setup on individual ePAFs OR using the Default Routing Queue option.  It only takes a few moments to set up your Default Routing Queues and will save you time and effort!

  • Information regarding the Positions by Org, Enrollment/Employment Verification Report, and the Job Begin Date report in Reporting Services
  • Complete guide to the data fields for each type of Student, Grad, Temp, Lecture, and Research ePAF.  Guide is broken up into sections based on the New Hire/Rehire ePAF data fields.
  • How to update Campus Box Address/Phone Changes useind the Campus Address ePAF:
  • The A-TERM - Terminate Employee From Position ePAF is used to terminate an employee from just the position
  • The T-TERM - Employee is Leaving Department AND 好色先生 ePAF is used to terminate the employee from both the position and Wichita State
  • Processes used to process funding changes using Change of Status ePAF, Fund Code Change ePAF, and Prior Pay Period Funding Change Form
  • How to do a One Time Pay ePAF for a non-benefits eligible employee
  • How to either Void or Cancel an ePAF. 
    If the exempt Graduate, Lecturer or U4 declined the position AND the individual has NOT been paid, the Originator is to CANCEL the ePAF.
Maximum Hours for Student Employees

Eligible Undergraduate and Graduate Students may work the following based on the number of credit hours they are enrolled in according to Academic Year or Summer/Scheduled breaks.

During Academic Terms (Spring & Fall Semesters)
Type of Position Minimum Enrollment
(Credit Hours)
Maximum Hours Available
to Work Per Week
Student Assistant 3 - 5 15
Student Assistant 6 or greater 30
Work Study Student Assistant 6 or greater 30
Graduate Assistant 6 or greater 20
Graduate Teaching Assistant 6 or greater 20
International Students Undergraduate: 12
Graduate: 6



During Summer Semester & when classes are not in session
(i.e. Winter Break)
Type of Position Minimum Enrollment
(Credit Hours)
Maximum Hours Available
to Work Per Week
Student Assistant 3 or greater 40
Work Study Student Assistant 6 or greater 40
Graduate Assistant 6 or greater 40
International Students Undergraduate: 12
Graduate: 9


* Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) can only work during the regular semester timeframes (Spring, Summer, and Fall) unless assigned specifically to a pre-session course. GTAs cannot work when classes are not in session (i.e. Winter Break).

Students are permitted to have multiple positions on campus as long as the total hours worked does not exceed the maximum hours listed

Additional options for Graduate Assistants should they not be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours:

Graduate Students
Enrollment FTE Hours per Week
.50 20
.40 16
.25 10
.12 5
60 Day Termination Process

Employees who have a Position Only Termination ePAF processed are considerd active 好色先生 employees with no active position on file. Their position has terminated but their 好色先生 employment record is still active.

This includes:

  • Employees who are terminated from their position using the Position Only Termination ePAF
  • Temporary employees who have a termination date built into the ePAF (Lecturers, GRA, GSA, GTA, U4, Additional Comp, etc).

Because their 好色先生 employment record remains active, a 60 day termination process has been implemented for security reasons. 

Employee(s) will automatically be terminated from the University 60 days after the termination date listed.

What this means for you:

  • If this person has left employment and is not returning, no action is needed, and the employee will automatically terminate from 好色先生 when the 60 days has passed.
  • If you do intend to re-engage this individual into an active position, it is recommended that a future dated ePAF be submitted. The ePAF must be submitted and fully approved before the 60 days expire.
    • Please note:  If no future ePAF is in place, once the 60 days from termination has passed, the full hiring process for Non-Benefits Eligible Employees will be required to 're-hire' the employee.


Contact Information

ePAF questions may be directed to the following areas:
Area Phone or Email

ePAF Access & Questions


ITS Applications Training and Support

Go to my好色先生, myTraining to register for ePAF Training sessions
978-5800 or training@wichita.edu

Human Resources

  1. Position Number Requests
    For Grant funded position numbers, see Research information below.
  2. Termination Reason Code Assistance




978-3065 or hr.servicecenter@wichita.edu


Payment Calculations, Change of Status Salary Adjustments, etc.

978-3074 or payroll@wichita.edu

Research Technology & Transfer Payroll

Grants (70XXXX organization codes)

Position number requests for Grant funded ePAFs and other Research related questions

978-6847 or postaward@wichita.edu

Financial Aid

Federal Work Study

978-5026 or marissa.kouns@wichita.edu

Market Based Compensation questions
