ࡱ> HJG `bjbj 4>`JJJJJ^^^^r^HMOOOOOO$sJsJJ JJMMHP90J|ss :  TaskDetailPointsRobot starts will all parts inside starting blockDetect black blockRobot determines which block of the four is black and touches it. The black block will be randomly placed in one of the 4 spaces just before the robot is started. The objective is for the robot to identify which of the blocks is black using a sensor.100Knock over black blockRobot completely knocks over black block50Knock over white blockRobots knocks over white block (deduct 50 points for each white block knocked over up to -150 points)-150Turn WindmillRobot turns the windmill of a turn OR50Robot turns the windmill 1 complete turn100Pass Checkpoint AAny part of robot passes checkpoint A50Knock over bowling pin (The robot may release a projectile if desired to knock down the targets)Robot knocks over each target without any part of the robot touching the course crossing the line in front of the targets (10 pts. each pin) OR 100Robot crosses line and knocks over targets = 3 points each. The robot may release a projectile if desired to knock down the targets.30Animals moved to squareEach animal touching the block will receive 25 points.50Each animal completely inside the block will receive 50 pts.100Follow crooked lineFollow the crooked line to the trailer. The robot must stay on the line.100Hook on to trailerThe robot connects to the trailer.50Pull the trailer totally out of its spacePull the trailer totally out of its space.50Flip switchRobot flips each switch (50 points each)100Move solar panelRobot picks up the solar panel.50Put solar panel on buildingRobot sets the solar panel on top of the building.50Return to starting blockReturn to starting block at the end of the run partially in starting block OR50Robot returns to the start with all touch points inside the start block.1001000 HI}Y Z ] & Y [  #H̻̻̙̙̙vvevTv hIh HCJOJQJ^JaJ hIh'<CJOJQJ^JaJ hIhOCJOJQJ^JaJ#hIhl5CJOJQJ^JaJ hIhlCJOJQJ^JaJ hIh^]CJOJQJ^JaJ hIh|# CJOJQJ^JaJ hIh=CJOJQJ^JaJ#hIh=5CJOJQJ^JaJ hOh=CJOJQJ^JaJ 2kd$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI$$Ifa$gdIl $$Ifa$gdIl HIJ7kd$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI$$Ifa$gdIl $Ifgd=l J]Z ^ _ v :kdd$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI$$Ifa$gdIl $Ifl  % J::$Ifl kd$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI$$Ifa$gdIl % & 4 \ _ `MMM$Ifgdll kd$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI_ ` a _OO<$Ifgdll $Ifl kdz$$Ifl4FJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI _OO9$$Ifa$gdIl $Ifl kd:$$Ifl4FJ6$ ( t0$6    44 lapytI , `MMM$Ifgdll kd$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI I L _O<<$Ifgdll $Ifl kd$$Ifl4FJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytIL M e _LLL$Ifgdll kdl$$Ifl4FJ6$ ( t0$6    44 lapytI _L<L$Ifl $Ifgdll kd,$$Ifl4FJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI A E _O<&$$Ifa$gdIl $IfgdOl $Ifl kd$$Ifl4FJ6$ ( t0$6    44 lapytIE F Y |  `PP:$$Ifa$gdIl $Ifl kd$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI `PP:$$Ifa$gdIl $Ifl kdX $$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI `P='$$Ifa$gdIl $IfgdOl $Ifl kd $$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI$DG`P='$$Ifa$gdIl $IfgdOl $Ifl kd $$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytIGHd`M='$$Ifa$gdIl $Ifl $IfgdIl kdn $$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI`P==$IfgdOl $Ifl kd $$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI_` hOh_fCJOJQJ^JaJ hIhOCJOJQJ^JaJ#hIhO5CJOJQJ^JaJ RV_O<)$IfgdOl $IfgdIl $Ifl kd $$Ifl4FJ6$`( t0$6    44 lapytIVWXY^_O<&$$Ifa$gdIl $IfgdOl $Ifl kd $$Ifl4FJ6$ ( t0$6    44 lapytI^_``^kdF$$IflFJ6$( t0$6    44 lapytI21h:pl/ =!"#$% $$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+,5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+,,5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+,5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+,5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l4 t0$6+5(55pytI$$If!vh#v(#v#v:V l t0$65(55pytIb 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ_HmH nH sH tH D`D NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List j@j = Table Grid7:V0PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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