Graduate Certificate
Information Assurance and Cybersecurity

Faculty Associated with the Program

Committee Chair
Dr. Rajiv Bagai is the graduate coordinator of the certificate program.

Faculty associated with the program


Teaching and Research Interest

Bagai, Rajiv
Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator

Web Anonymity; Data Privacy (DNP)

Jadliwala, Murtuza[BROKEN LINK]
Assistant Professor

Information Assurance; Network Security; Secure System Design; Privacy & Trust; Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization

Namboodiri, Vinod
Associate Professor

Wireless Networking; Mobile Computing; Energy-Intelligent Computing; Pervasive Healthcare Technologies

Eslami, Ali
Assistant Professor

Modeling and performance analysis of cyber-physical systems; Learning from big data for resilience in interconnected networks; Application-specific design of error correcting codes; Design and analysis of wireless networks

Salinas, Sergio
Assistant Professor

Privacy and Security; Cyber-physical Systems (e.g., smart grids); Bid Data Computing

Song, Yi
Assistant Professor

Wireless Networks; Mobile computing and network security; Cognitive radio networks; Mobility and resource management techniques; Protocol analysis and performance optimization

Wang, Pu
Assistant Professor

Modeling and Optimization of Data Networks; Cognitive Radio Networks; Internet of Multimedia Things; Wireless Sensor Networks in Challenged Environment; Software Defined Networking; Electromagnetic Nano Network in Terahertz bands